Roselyne Koren

Roselyne Koren, Professor of Language Sciences in the French Department of Bar-Ilan University, is author of Les enjeux éthiques de l'écriture de presse et la mise en mots du terrorisme [Ethical stakes in press writing and putting terrorism into words] (Paris, L'Harmttan).
She has co-edited, with Lamria Chétouani, Louise Lévy and Maurice Tournier, Mots 50, "Israël Palestine, Mots d'accord et de disaccord [Israel-Palestine, Words of agreement and disagreement]". She has also co-edited with Ruth Amossy Après Perelman : quelles politiques pour les nouvelles rhétoriques ? L'argumentation dans les sciences du langage [After Perelman. What policies for the new rhetorics? Argumentation in the language sciences] and Argumentation et prise de position. Pratiques discursives [Argumentation and stance. Discursive pratices], Semen 17, 2004.
She is the author of numerous articles and chapters in collective works that study the following questions: the regulation of appearances of discursive objectivity and subjectivity in the French written press, but also in literary texts; denomination and implicit argumentation; the ins and outs of argumentation by analogy and of amalgam; discursive and argumentative productions about terrorism; stance of the researcher, enunciative responsibility, ethics of discourse. 

Specialty areas

Analyse du discours et argumentation, rhétorique de l’écriture de presse, des effets d’objectivité et de la prise de position, discours et enjeux éthiques


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List of publications