Ruth Amossy

Ruth Amossy, Professor Emeritus in Department of French of Tel-Aviv University, is the author of a number of works on stereotype and cliché (among which Les Idées reçues [Received Ideas], 1991), as of a synthetic work intended to integrate argumentation studies into the linguistics of discourse: L'argumentation dans le discours [Argumentation in discourse] (2000, 2006).
She has edited Images de soi dans le discours. La construction de l'ethos [Images of self in discourse. The construction of Ethos] (1999, Delachaux and Niestlé), and co-edited with various researchers several collective works and special issues, such as: Doxa reviewed: What Common Knowledge Can Do, Poetics Today 23:3, 2002; Après Perelman. Quelles politiques pour les nouvelles rhétoriques ? [After Perelman. What policies for the new rhetorics?], 2002; Argumentation et prise de position. Pratiques discursives [Argumentation and stance. Discursive practises], Semen 17, 2004; Guerres et paix. Débats, combats, polémiques [Wars and peace. Debate, contest, polemic], Mots 76. novembre 2004.
She is the author of numerous articles dealing with various theoretical problems relating to argumentation – ethos, dimension vs. argumentative scope, ad hominem argument, etc. She is also working on argumentation in literary discourse at the intersection of rhetoric, discourse analysis and sociocriticism (L'analyse du discours dans les études littéraires [Analysis of discourse in literary studies], 2004; Littérature 137, 2005). She is working on modern and contemporary French and Israeli corpuses, and has these last few years studied texts relating to debate on World War I. 

Specialty areas

Argumentation et rhétorique ; Analyse du discours ; Stéréotype et doxa ; Littérature française du 19e et du 20e siècle ; Théorie de la littérature.


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Liste sélective des publications de Ruth amossy relatives à l’AD, l’argumentation et la rhétorique.

For a more complete list (in French).