Thursday, 13 Mar 2025
  • As part of the Shalom Aleichem Conference which will take place mainly in Jerusalem from Sunday, May 15, 2016 until Thursday, May 19, 2016, The Goldreich Family Institute will organize one day at Tel Aviv University on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 with lectures by:

    Lawrence Rosenwald (Wellesley College)

    Motl´s New York, or The Rhetorical Geography of the Immigrant City

    Lauren B. Strauss (George Washington University)

    "Motl peysi dem khazns as Archetyoe for Jewish Emigrants: 'Stop crying! You need healthy eyes to enter America!'"

    Irad Ben Isaak (Tel Aviv University)

    מוטיב התנועה וההגירה ברומן "מוטל בן פייסי החזן" ובחייו של שלום עליכם

    Ellen Kellman (Brandeis University)

    From Krushnik to New York: America as a Place of Last Resort in "Mayses fun Toyznt Eyn Nakht"

  • The 2014 Naomi Prawer Kadar Annual Lecture was held by Professor Jack Kugelmass, University of Florida: June 29, 2015

Sifting the Ruins: The Jewish Press and Emigre Journeys to Poland shortly after the Shoah


  • Lecture by Professor Samuel D. Kassow from Trinity College, Hartford: June 17, 2015

History and Resitance: Emanuel Ringelblum in the Warsaw Ghetto




  • Lecture by Professor Marc Caplan, The Center for Jewish History, New York: June 2, 2015

The Dislocation of German and Yiddish Modernism




  • Lecture by Professor Avraham Novershtern, Hebrew University Jerusalem and Beit Shalom Aleichem: April 26, 2015

Literature under Siege: Yiddish Literature in the Soviet Union

נוברשטרן pptxחדש


  • Lecture by Professor Anita Norich from the University of Michigan: January 4, 2015

Yiddish Meets English in American Translations



  • The 2014 Naomi Prawer Kadar Annual Lecture was held by Professor Andrew Marc Caplan, John Hopkins University: June 23, 2014

World War I and Its Aftermath in Yiddish Narrative


  • The 2013 Naomi Prawer Kadar Annual Lecture was held by Professor Nancy Sinkoff, Rutgers University: June 17, 2013

Lucy S. Dawidowicz: An American in Vilna, 1938-1939

Sinkoff Invitation jpg


  • Guest lecture by Professor Lawrence Rosenwald from Wellesley College: May 7, 2013

    The lecture was one of the keynote addresses in the conference "Beyond Transfiction: Translators and (Their) Authors" organized by the program for Diploma Studies for Translation and Revision at Tel Aviv University.

    Please see the program of the conference here:

    Professor Rosenwald's lectured on "Relations between translators and authors: Confessions, reflections, and the case of Yiddish".



  • Writing Across the Americas - Seventh Woodrow Borah International Colloquium: 

          6 - 7, May 2012 

       Writing Across the Americas: Policies, Politics, Poetics.


  • Lecture and Master Class - Marc Caplan: 
    19 - 20 March, 2012

        Lecture in Yiddish 

        Lecture in English


  • Lecture and Master Class - Gilles Rozier:
    6 - 11 March, 2012

        Lecture In Yiddish

         Lecture in French

        Gilles_2012_-_5  Gilles_2012_-_4  Giiles_2012_-_6




  • Lecture: 27 May, 2010

         Good Night Worldliness: The Challenge of Jacob Glatstein

         Professor Ruth Wisse, Harvard University

        Gilman 133

        Reading Materials:

        Glatshteyn - Good Night, World

        Glatshteyn - 1919

        Glatshteyn - The Joy of the Yiddish Word

        Glatshteyn - Wagons

        Glatshteyn - Without Jews


       Gilman 496

 The relationship between German and Yiddish has been one of affinity and  dissonance, attraction and repulsion, kinship and boundaries. This  international conference will explore the historical, literary, and cultural  dimensions of the dialogue between these languages.

 The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars currently engaged in  research that examines the complex relationship between these languages  and cultures, hopefully culminating in a publication on the subject. As an  international conference, most of the sessions will be in English, with the  possibility of a panel in Hebrew.

 Conference Organizers: Professor José Brunner (Minerva Institute for German  History) and Professor Hana Wirth-Nesher (Goldreich Institute)




The recent increasing interest in Yiddish language, literature, and culture can be attributed not only to the need to recuperate a vast treasure of Jewish civilization, but also to Yiddish as a site for examining concepts and debates that are currently at the center of humanities research.

Yiddish literature has been characterized, from its origins and throughout its history, by both adaptation and continuity. In dialogue with its surrounding languages and cultures, Yiddish has also maintained its role in the formation of Jewish communal and collective identity. As a result, Yiddish serves as a case study for current theoretical questions.

Among the topics for which Yiddish can serve as a case study are the reevaluation of minority, ethnic, and transnational models of literature; bilingual and multilingual writing; cultural hybridity; national and diasporic identity; secular and religious culture; translation and transliteration; literary history and collective identity; textual and oral traditions; and reconfigurations of modernism. This conference explored how Yiddish is constituted through diverse paradigms and questions, and what it signifies in different contexts.

Conference Organizers: Professor Ziva Ben-Porat (Porter Institute), Professor Michael Gluzman (Department of Literature), and Professor Hana Wirth-Nesher (Goldreich Institute)

Porter Institute of Poetics and Semiotics



  • November 19th, 2007- Science and Scholarship in Yiddish

      A symposium to mark the publication of a special issue of "Science in Context"


Professor Hana Wirth-Nesher

The Goldreich Institute

Professor Leo Corry

The Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas





  • Guest lectures

Professor Michael Stanislawski, Nathan J. Miller Professor for Jewish History, Columbia University. Anna and Max Webb Visiting Scholar Program

July 10, 2007: Shakespeare in Yiddish

July 15, 2007: Fun Sholem Aleykhem tsu "fidler afn dakh": emes un mitologye (in Yiddish)

July 17, 2007: On Manger's "Khumesh-lider"

Professor Justin Cammy, Smith College,

March 14, 2007: When Yiddish Was Young: The Forgotten Voices of Yung-Vilne (1929-1940)

Professor Kalman Weiser, York University, Toronto

December 20, 2006: Fear of a Polish Planet: The Yiddishist Ideology of Noah Prylucki

(in cooperation with the Institute for the History of Polish Jewry)

Professor David Roskies, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America

May 29, 2006: 1943: Yiddish Culture and Civilization at Ground Zero